Feeling Upside Down? Let's make the most of it!


Remember when you were a child how you'd find yourself upside down multiple times per day? Whether it be somersaults, handstands, or doing flips on a trampoline, our bodies were used to that sensation. As adults, we often lose it as our day to day is more work and less play. However, there are sincere benefits to going upside down.

Let's explore a few of them, shall we? 

Increased energy. 
Since extra blood flow to your brain can energize you, going upside down can be a great way to restore energy levels versus going for another cup of caffeine! 

Stress reduction.
Handstands can reduce cortisol, the stress hormone, which helps improve overall health by calming the nervous system.  

Improved functionality & strength. 
We often forget about overhead range of motion & strength as for most of the time our arms just hang down at sides. Asking our arms to support our body weight with help from the core is a nice way to challenge the body and improve shoulder and core strength.